The Women Writers Forum (WRIFOM) is an institution that aims to promote independence and quality in media, with a specific focus on amplifying women's voices and increasing their visibility in all spheres, including democratic discourse. The organization believes that no democracy can be complete without recognizing and enhancing women's contributions to democratic development.

WRIFOM is currently inviting pitches from women journalists for its Tanzania Women Democracy Reporting Grant. This grant is open to individual journalists working in print, radio, television, and online media. 

With Tanzania’s upcoming elections, the project aims to address gaps in documenting and showcasing women's positive roles in leadership and the political landscape in Tanzania, emphasizing the need for visibility of women in politics.

The grant will support individuals in producing high-impact, deeply researched creative, journalistic, or media products such as TV or Radio documentaries and feature articles that highlight women in Tanzania. These women must be those who have made remarkable contributions or are taking unique initiatives to support or actively participate in promoting leadership and challenging historically male-dominated power structures.

By highlighting women's success stories, achievements, and leadership capabilities, their visibility will increase, building confidence in them and garnering support for those standing for political positions.

Eligibility criteria

  • Applicants must be women journalists based in Tanzania Mainland, working in any medium (Online, Print, Television, Radio or Multimedia) and other media practitioners covering gender issues. Applications from freelance reporters are encouraged.
  • Applications must be in English or Kiswahili.

Focus of the story idea

The story idea should focus on women politicians, activists, or women's rights advocates who have had significant impacts on political discourse in Tanzania, but their stories remain untold or are told in a biased and stereotyping way.

Who can be featured? 

Women politicians, activists, and women’s rights advocates whose initiatives, advocacy, leadership roles, and positions in their communities have helped to shift negative narratives about women in politics, influenced agendas or led to significant democratic improvements. Pitches focusing on women from rural and marginalized communities or those facing intersecting forms of discrimination are highly encouraged.

Journalists commissioned to produce the stories will receive mentorship on reporting women in politics from a gender perspective. Journalists will receive $1000 towards the production of their stories.

Dissemination of media products
Stories must be published by the journalists’ media employer and will be featured on the WRIFOM website, available for co-publishing by WRIFOM's affiliated media partners.

Pitch submission form
All pitches for this grant should be submitted  via:
The deadline is 25 August 2024.